
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Words Worth 9

I hit the 38,000 mark today.

I'm over 2/3 done.  So I'm in the homestretch.

I predicted 40,000 and I think that's what it will be or close enough.

Yesterday I did a bit of editing on my dragon book and sent it back. It's on the next step. It might be out by middle of May, maybe sooner.

The sci-fi book should be done by then. At least the first draft. Then I edit. And edit.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dream book

I was watching "magic beyond words: the j.k. Rowling story" on DVD.

That is every writer's dream.  Publish a book that shoots off like a rocket.

I'd probably have a heart attack if that happened to me. I'd be so shocked. I know I'm not a j.k. Rowling or a Steven King but I would like enough to make it money wise worth publishing. I want it to pay for itself with a little extra to buy extras.

I'm a realistic person with dreams. :)

My dad thinks it's a waste of money. I'm not even breaking even. I'm usually so far in the hole I can't see any light.  This last year  I had to get a referbished computer as my last died so I didn't market or publish but still spent money that I didn't have.  I'm going to publish two books this year so more money.  Dad doesn't know that I'm spending money to publish.  Good thing he doesn't know about this blog.

My caseworker and aunt think my writing is good for me. I use it as therapy. And to get this stuff out of my head. It's crowded in there.  :)

So my dream book would steadily rise then level off. Staying popular and leading to readers buying steadily from me each time I publish.  I don't need to be an overnight sensation just an author with a steady following.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Words Worth 8

Did a little over 1000 words.

About a page a day.  I'm still reading a book a day as well so I figured that's why.

I get into these reading jags and can't seem to put a book down. :). Pun intended.

Anyway I work a little on the sci-fi during the afternoon. Usually get a page written then my mind drifts to what I want to read that evening. So I looked at my Kindle library and spend an hour deciding which one I want. Then I look at new free books.

So I wiyl away the rest of the afternoon on FB and Amazon.

These jags usually don't last long so I'll be back to regularly scheduled writing soon.  Meanwhile I'm getting some writing done.

The book is well over half way done. I'm at the homestretch. Unless something changes I should be done before middle of next month. Well, depends on how the editing goes.

My editing.  Once it gets turned in it will be edited again.

So really the sci-fi book is coming along nicely. It is definitely different style then my other books.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Words Worth 7

Only did a little over a 1000 words since the last entry.

I've been reading Kindle books. Catching up on my reading. I'm usually so caught up in my head with my writing that reading falls behind.

With the move, I got rid of some of my books and movies. I don't have much room for physical books so I've had to get Kindle to read off my phone.

But I'm getting some writing done.  About a page a day right now.

Something is simmering in the back of my mind and I'm letting it.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Words Worth 6

Just a few words shy of 30,000.

I'm a little over half way through, though I may only get 40,000 words this draft.

This book is coming along nicely. I'm fitting in the scenes and moving towards the end.

The beginning will need some finessing. I wrote it a long time ago and just worked from there. Added the scenes and filled in between. I'm on the fill between the third and fourth scenes, then I'll be on my way to the end. Though I need to change a bit of the fourth scene.

As I said I'm doing this book a bit different than the others. They were written as if they were movies: fast paced and action packed. This book is written more in depth.
There is still action and a moving pace but more character.

Hopefully y'all will like it.