
The First Human-Cren War


Humans were spread through out the galaxies and The Terran Federation was just beginning to create a multi-galaxy spanning government when they ran into Cren scout ships in what was then uncharted space. Though not uninhabited.  Humans and other races were spread there too.

At first the Terran Federation did not interfere when the Cren started to take over planets. The planets were far away from what they considered their jurisdiction and frankly none of their concern. After all the Cren were far away. 

A few of their deep space probe ships vanished but were written off as accidents.

Then one of those ships appeared battered in one of their main space lanes. It was taken to a nearby space doc and gone over.

What the little black box revealed horrified the Terran Federation and the main religious foundation The Church of Conception. 

The Terran Federation geared up for war and sent out liaisons to the other planets and races. With that help, the Terran Federation pushed the Cren back but could not defeat them entirely. Stalemate. 

So a truce was called. The Cren stayed in their playground and the newly minted United Federation would stop the war. 

Of course this truce would not last.


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