
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The story

The time-lost series is a set of books set around the event of a space freighter going missing and some of the passengers showing up unaged decades later or in unusual places.

Each book reveals Abit more about the disappearance and the aliens that caused it. The books tell the who, what, and why as well as leading to an even bigger reveal.

The main character of each book has a part to play in that big reveal.

My main characters are all women but these are not romances though sometimes there is a bit of romance. But the main story is really an action/drama.

There are five books in the series so far though I have a book that bridges between this series and the series that follows the big reveal.

Well that's all I have to reveal today

Thursday, January 23, 2020

New book series

I'm a writer and this is to be a blog about a new series I'm starting.

I have two other blogs that I'm going to be linking to this blog right now. I may add another when I get to writing my other series.

This series is called the Time-Lost. The characters are linked through a common experience but are different in each story.

The first book I'm working on is untitled right now. I will go through the experience of writing it on this blog.

I have five books planned for this series. Each has a basic idea and a first chapter written.

This series is sci-fi, a divergent from my urban fantasy books. I also used a different style of writing for it.  So if you have read my other books and didn't care for the style you should give this one a try to see if you may like this style.

I usually update blogs once a week.  I may try a different style with this blog. I don't know yet.

Just wanted to let you know the basics of the blog. Next time I may do the basics of the book.