
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Words Worth 5

Over the 27,000 mark.

Didn't write for two days cause I was reading a book. A mystery.

But I'm back to writing on the sci-fi. Starting a new chapter again. She realized that the battle is bigger than she imagined. The Cult is not the only one she must fight.

I'm a pantser. So when I write I'm not sure how long the book will be. I write until the story is done. Sometimes this makes for a short book. Or what the industry calls short. 

I think this book will be about 40,000 words when I'm done. Then I edit and flesh out some before sending it to publisher's.

At least I have something to do during this time. I'm so glad I got my computer back.

Though I do have enough movies to watch for a month.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Bit of status

Hit the 25,000 mark on words yesterday.

Rounding the corner and heading toward the homestretch. Will be a bit muddy but should make it through.

All this social distancing is giving me the opportunity to work on the sci-fi book. Had two ways to go and worked out the direction so I should get some done today.

I also played a little bit on where I do my covers. Helps to relax me. Keeping the same cover but I played around with other pictures and it reenforced that that cover is what I want to go with.

My dragon book is in the publisher's hands. So that's on the next step. I also have a cover for it done.

So that's where I sit right now.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Words Worth 4

I'm over 22,000 words.

One major fight is done and not all to her credit, so she has another to go before she can claim any victory. The Cultists have powerful lies on their side while the truth is disruptive to the present regime.

So half way through.

She has a hard time ahead because even if she wins this fight there's still the battle to win.

And all is not fair in war.

Saturday, March 7, 2020


These are my logo designs.

The first one I made a table top sign.  I'm still working on the second one. Don't know if I like it that way or not. I'm still on the fence.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pen name

I decided to use a pen name for my sci-fi series.


Pronounced " tah leer ree "

It's the first and last initial of my three names. I used it when I wrote fanfiction.

What do you think?

Click on the no comment link and drop your opinion.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Words Worth 3

I'm at over 18,000 words.

Chapter eleven.

So just past a fourth of the way through. I'm hoping to get to 40,000 for this book draft. I'll flesh it out and edit after I get to the end.